GIZ Evaluation (Global Alliance for Social Protection)
Country: Germany Year: 2021 Organisation: GIZThe GIZ Programme Global Alliances for Social Protection (GASP) in its current phase takes up the principles of the 2030 Agenda (universality, indivisibility, leaving no one behind, participation and accountability)… Read More →
Development and Implementation of GRAPE training
Country: Germany Year: 2022 Organisation: WCRCBuilding advocacy campaigns from local to global to local (L2G2L) for economic justice and peace-building. The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has partnered with the Economic Policy and Research… Read More →
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Africa Angola Bangladesh Benin Brazil Cambodia Cape Verde Caribbean Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Republic of Congo Ethiopia Germany Ghana India Indonesia Iraq Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyz Republic Latin America Lesotho Malawi Morocco Mozambique Myamar Nauru Nepal New York Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Philippines Rwanda Slovenia SO South Africa Sudan Sweden Tanzania Thailand Uganda WS Zambia