Year: 2022       Organisation: WCRC

Development and Implementation of GRAPE training

Building advocacy campaigns from local to global to local (L2G2L) for economic justice and peace-building. The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has partnered with the Economic Policy and Research Institute (EPRI) to run a five-year training programme.

A two-year pilot phase is underway to design and implement advocacy campaigns in Kenya and South Africa. The programme is aimed at churches, ecumenical networks, civil society, NGOs, and other activists.

The Global Reformed Advocacy Programme for Engagement (GRAPE) is a global initiative of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) to address the enormity and complexity of the unjust economic dispensation coupled with the climate crisis and peace-building.

The GRAPE program aims to build advocacy campaigns for economic justice and peace-building, built by local churches and civil society empowered through the global communion to become agents of decisive and tangible change on the local and national levels and beyond.

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