Evaluation of UNICEF’s Social Protection Responses towards Universal Child Benefits

Webinar: “Cash plus” social protection strengthening adolescent and youth development, opportunities and empowerment


Cash transfer programmes—the “first wave” of social protection policies and programmes that have influenced governments across the Global South—have gained prominence as vital tools for strengthening a broad range of developmental objectives. Despite the manifold benefits that cash transfers generate, they are often insufficient on their own in addressing the multi-dimensional and intersecting vulnerabilities individuals face throughout the lifecycle. To strengthen the effectiveness of cash transfers, governments and development partners have shown a growing interest in designing and implementing “cash plus” social protection programmes that offer complementary services or inputs that reinforce the developmental impact of the cash benefits. These “integrated social protection” initiatives represent a “second wave” of social protection policies and programmes that are reinvigorating government commitments to inclusive social development and equitable economic growth across the Global South. This webinar, conducted on 03 November 2023, presents the good practices of two government-run programmes supported by UNICEF in the area of “cash plus” social protection programming which were identified as part of a UNICEF Evaluation Office evaluation. These programmes expand core child benefit programmes “inter-sectorally” in order to harness the potential of their nations’ demographic dividends while delivering rights for children.

PPT: https://shorturl.at/cgwAN

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