EPRI worked with the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Nauru, to develop a gender-responsive and socially inclusive National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS) for Nauru.
The strategy lays the foundation for a more strategic, comprehensive, needs-based, and digitised social protection system, which addresses current and future challenges while lifting people out of poverty and providing support throughout the lifecycle. As part of the assignment, EPRI conducted a comprehensive situational analysis on the state of poverty and vulnerability in Nauru and the current national social protection system, focusing on targeting, registration, payment, grievance redressal, financing and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and the actors involved in the coordination and implementation.
On the basis of the situational analysis, EPRI developed recommendations on key areas of reform and priorities for programming for 2022-32. The National Social Protection Strategy was prepared subsequently, seeking to ensure the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and financial sustainability of all existing and new social protection programmes in Nauru. The NSPS is accompanied by an implementation plan and a gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation framework, which sets the stage for the systematic collection of data and the tracking of the strategy’s implementation.
The strategy, implementation plan and M&E framework have already been submitted to Nauru’s Cabinet and are awaiting approval.
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