The UN Joint Programme: ‘Strengthening Resilience of Pacific Islands States through Universal Social Protection’ is a joint agency programme which seeks to develop evidence-based nationally owned social protection systems in the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – Niue, Cook Islands, Samoa and Tokelau (hereby referred to as the ‘four SIDS’). As part of the UN Joint Programme, the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) was commissioned by UNESCO Pacific Office to carry fiscal space research for social protection for persons with disabilities in the four countries. Employing a consultative and data-driven process, EPRI assessed the possibilities of expanding social protection to persons with disabilities and provided recommendations to inform future programming in each country. As part of the project outputs, EPRI developed detailed country briefs as well as an overarching report summarising the analysis across the four countries.
All ProjectsAfrica Angola Bangladesh Benin Brazil Cambodia Cape Verde Caribbean Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Republic of Congo Ethiopia Germany Ghana India Indonesia Iraq Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyz Republic Latin America Lesotho Malawi Morocco Mozambique Myamar Nauru Nepal New York Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Philippines Rwanda Slovenia SO South Africa Sudan Sweden Tanzania Thailand Uganda WS Zambia