In 2020, the UNICEF Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Country Office commissioned EPRI to design a shock-responsive social protection programme in the DRC, sensitive to the needs of children and women. The support from EPRI comprised of an initial rapid assessment of the country’s current social protection programmes and the subsequent design of a shock-responsive social protection programme design document and two technical manuals.
The rapid assessment was completed in 2020. However, the design of the shock-responsive social protection programme and development of the targeting and payment technical instruction manuals was completed in mid-2021.
The final programme design speaks to a base cash transfer programme which in the case of a multitude of potential shocks can rapidly be scaled up into an emergency cash transfer programme through vertical and horizontal expansion of the base cash transfer programme. In developing the programme, EPRI worked closely with the Fond Social and UNICEF and other key government and development partners
All ProjectsAfrica Angola Bangladesh Benin Brazil Cambodia Cape Verde Caribbean Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Republic of Congo Ethiopia Germany Ghana India Indonesia Iraq Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyz Republic Latin America Lesotho Malawi Morocco Mozambique Myamar Nauru Nepal New York Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Philippines Rwanda Slovenia SO South Africa Sudan Sweden Tanzania Thailand Uganda WS Zambia