EPRI has been commissioned by UNICEF Jordan to provide technical assistance to the government of Jordan to institutionalise the lessons learned from COVID-19 and improve the emergency preparedness, and shock-responsiveness within its overall National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS).
The study will take gendered needs and vulnerabilities into account and focus on system preparedness and system responsiveness to shocks in the mid- and long term based on the three pillars outlined in Jordan’s NSPS 2019- 2025: Opportunity (decent work/ social security), Empowerment (social services), and Dignity (social assistance).
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Africa Angola Bangladesh Benin Brazil Cambodia Cape Verde Caribbean Cote d'Ivoire Democratic Republic of Congo Ethiopia Germany Ghana India Indonesia Iraq Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kyrgyz Republic Latin America Lesotho Malawi Morocco Mozambique Myamar Nauru Nepal New York Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Philippines Rwanda Slovenia SO South Africa Sudan Sweden Tanzania Thailand Uganda WS Zambia